Thursday, July 23, 2009

58 Democrats, 2 Independents Means Nothing.

I remember this post from a while ago:

Relax. I think what has happened is that the R’s have gotten so bat-*hit crazy that the only ones that they will accept are those completely divorced from reality.

Look at who the Ds have: Pryor, Blanche, Landrieux (sp), Byrd, etc. These people are conservative by, say, Illinois or New York standards and would be Rs in those states. Even with 60 “D”, it is hardly a liberal juggernaut.

I’ll say it again: the current Democratic Party is a collection of centrists and conservatives (aka: “bluedogs”) and the Republicans are mostly the bat-shit insane wingnuts.

Anyway, the fact is that the Senate won’t take up health care reform this August.

I am saddened but not surprised. I give President Obama credit for trying. But the fact is that we have a sad, sad collection on our side; we’ve never had the unity that the Republicans had.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It is about time! Obama disciplines the blue dogs!

This ad is running in selected Congressional Disticts:

Now the scope of the campaign is expanding. The ad will appear in the media markets that overlap with the congressional districts of 15 members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Eleven of those districts belong to Democrats, including Rep. Zack Space (Ohio), Rep. John Barrow (Georgia), Rep. Jay Inslee (Washington), Rep. Mike Ross (Arkansas), Rep. Bart Gordon (Tennessee), Rep. Baron Hill (Indiana), Rep. Charlie Melancon (Louisiana), Rep. Mike Doyle (Pennsylvania), Rep. Jim Matheson (Utah), Rep. Bart Stupak (Michigan), Rep. Jerry McNerney (California).

The four Republican districts belong to Rep. Fred Upton (Michigan), Rep. Mary Bono Mack (California), and Rep. Greg Walden (Oregon), Rep. Sue Myrick (North Carolina)

For reform advocates, the Energy and Commerce Committee remains the toughest venue of the three committees handling health care in the House of Representatives, in large part because of the Blue Dog and moderate Democrats that make up its ranks. In making this purchase, Organizing for America either is worried about the committee's progress or -- much more likely -- sending a message that it has no problem applying pressure on fellow party members.

If you want to chip in, go here: